Mac Find Library Path

The media files contain imported songs, downloaded stuff and purchased items from iTunes. You can also find individual folders containing songs and movies etc. Here is the complete address of iTunes library on windows: C:UsersusernameMy MusiciTunes. 2 Where Is iTunes Library on Mac. Oppositely, if you are on a Mac, follow the process below.

  1. Mac Find Library Path Software
  2. Mac Find Library Path Free
  • Aug 15, 2008 On the Mac a dynamic library (dylib) has an 'install name'. The install name is a path baked into the dynamic library that says where to find the library at runtime. When you link against the dylib this path is saved in your binary so that your binary can find the dylib at runtime. Seems a bit backwards to me - but that's how it works.
  • Apr 12, 2016  Macintosh HD Users russ.haecker Library Mail V2 Various Mail Folders for Gmail, Exchange/Office365, etc. I know this is an old thread, but it got 'revived' recently and I wanted to correct one thing This path is not correct That's where Mail stores its data, not Outlook.
  • I read some articles discouraging of the use of DYLDLIBRARYPATH, as the the path of dynamic library should be fixed using -installname, @rpath, and @loaderpath. In terms of making a program that runs both on Linux and Mac OS X, DYLDLIBRARYPATH of Mac OS X does exactly what LDLIBRARYPATH.

The Library Menu item is hidden by default on Macs, to prevent the possibility of inexperienced users deleting important files in the Library Folder. In this article, you will find different methods to reveal the hidden Library Menu and access the Library Folder on your Mac.

Access Library Folder On Mac

The Library Folder on your Mac contains Preference Files, Caches, and Application Support Data.

While regular Mac users may not find the need to access the Hidden Library Folder, advanced Mac users will at times come across the need to access files inside the Library Folder for troubleshooting and other purposes.

One example of the need to access the Library Folder on Mac would be to rebuild the Database Files in the Library Folder, in order to fix Launchpad related issues like Apps Missing From Launchpad or deleted Apps showing up in the Launchpad.

Before going ahead with the steps to Access the Hidden Library Folder on your Mac, you need to be aware that ~/Library Folder contains important Data and Files related to Mac User Accounts.

Hence, make sure that you are accessing the Library Folder for a good reason and you do know as to what you are trying to achieve.

Access Hidden Library Menu Option On Mac

Follow the steps below to access the Hidden Library Menu option on your Mac.

1. Left-click your mouse anywhere on the screen of your Mac. This will reveal the Go Option in the top menu bar of your Mac. You can also click on the Finder Icon in the Dock of your Mac to activate the Go Option.

2. Next, click on the Go option in the top menu-bar of your Mac.

3. While you are still on the Go option, press and hold the Option key on your Mac and then click on the Library option that appears when you press down the Option Key.

Note: Press the Alt Key in case you are using a Windows keyboard with your Mac.

4. Clicking on the Library Menu option will take you straight to the Library Folder on your Mac.

Access Library Folder On Mac Using “Go to Folder” Option

Another way to access the Library Folder on your Mac is by using the Folder Option on your Mac.

1. Left-click your mouse anywhere on the screen of your Mac to reveal the Go Option in the top menu bar. You can also click on the Finder Icon in the Dock of your Mac to activate the Go option.

2. Next, click on the Go option from the top menu-bar on your Mac and then click on Go to Folder… option in the drop-down menu (See image below).

3. In the search window that appears, type ~/Library, and click on the Go button.

This will immediately take you to the Library Folder on your Mac.

Permanently Unhide the Library Menu Option On Mac

You can permanently unhide the Library Menu Option in the top-menu bar on your Mac by using the Terminal Command. The process is reversible and you can easily go back to the default hidden Library Menu Setting by using the Terminal command once again.

1. Click on the Finder icon in the dock of your Mac to activate the Go option in the top Menu bar of your Mac.

2. Next, click on the Go option in the top menu-bar and then click on the Utilities option in the drop-down menu.

3. On the Utilities window, open the Terminal App by clicking on it.

4. Next, type chflags nohidden ~/Library/ and Press the Enter key to submit your command for execution.

Once the command is executed, you will see the Library Option clearly visible and permanently unhidden in the top menu-bar of your Mac.

As mentioned above, you can always go back to the default hidden Library option on your Mac by executing a simple command in the Command Prompt Window.

1. To hide the Library option, type chflags hidden ~/Library/ in the Command prompt window (See image below)

2. After typing the Command, hit the Enter key on the Keyboard of your Mac to execute this Command.

Once the Command is executed, you will see the Library Menu option becoming hidden.

A short-hand signature is: No library in home folder mac.

The general signature is:

This command is used to find a library.A cache entry named by <VAR> is created to store the resultof this command.If the library is found the result is stored in the variableand the search will not be repeated unless the variable is cleared.If nothing is found, the result will be<VAR>-NOTFOUND, and the search will be attempted again thenext time find_library is invoked with the same variable.The name of the library thatis searched for is specified by the names listedafter the NAMES argument. Additional search locationscan be specified after the PATHS argument. If ENV var isfound in the HINTS or PATHS section the environment variable varwill be read and converted from a system environment variable toa cmake style list of paths. For example ENV PATH would be a wayto list the system path variable. The argumentafter DOC will be used for the documentation string inthe cache.PATH_SUFFIXES specifies additional subdirectories to check beloweach search path.

If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is specified, then no additional paths areadded to the search.If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is not specified, the search process is as follows:

  1. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables.These are intended to be used on the command line with a -DVAR=value.This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PATH is passed.
    • <prefix>/lib/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and<prefix>/lib for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
  2. Search paths specified in cmake-specific environment variables.These are intended to be set in the user’s shell configuration.This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed.
    • <prefix>/lib/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and<prefix>/lib for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
  3. Search the paths specified by the HINTS option.These should be paths computed by system introspection, such as ahint provided by the location of another item already found.Hard-coded guesses should be specified with the PATHS option.
  4. Search the standard system environment variables.This can be skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is an argument.
    • PATH and LIB
  5. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform filesfor the current system. This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATHis passed.
    • <prefix>/lib/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and<prefix>/lib for each <prefix> in CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH
  6. Search the paths specified by the PATHS optionor in the short-hand version of the command.These are typically hard-coded guesses.

On Darwin or systems supporting OS X Frameworks, the cmake variableCMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK can be set to empty or one of the following:

  • FIRST: Try to find frameworks before standard libraries or headers.This is the default on Darwin.
  • LAST: Try to find frameworks after standard libraries or headers.
  • ONLY: Only try to find frameworks.
  • NEVER: Never try to find frameworks.

On Darwin or systems supporting OS X Application Bundles, the cmakevariable CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE can be set to empty or one of thefollowing:

  • FIRST: Try to find application bundles before standard programs.This is the default on Darwin.
  • LAST: Try to find application bundles after standard programs.
  • ONLY: Only try to find application bundles.
  • NEVER: Never try to find application bundles.

The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies one or moredirectories to be prepended to all other search directories. Thiseffectively “re-roots” the entire search under given locations.Paths which are descendants of the CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX are excludedfrom this re-rooting, because that variable is always a path on the host system.By default the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is empty.

The CMAKE_SYSROOT variable can also be used to specify exactly onedirectory to use as a prefix. Setting CMAKE_SYSROOT also has othereffects. See the documentation for that variable for more.

These variables are especially useful when cross-compiling topoint to the root directory of the target environment and CMake willsearch there too. By default at first the directories listed inCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH are searched, then the CMAKE_SYSROOTdirectory is searched, and then the non-rooted directories will besearched. The default behavior can be adjusted by settingCMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY. This behavior can be manuallyoverridden on a per-call basis. By using CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTHthe search order will be as described above. IfNO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is used then CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH will not beused. If ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is used then only the re-rooteddirectories and directories below CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX will be searched.

The default search order is designed to be most-specific toleast-specific for common use cases.Projects may override the order by simply calling the commandmultiple times and using the NO_* options:

Once one of the calls succeeds the result variable will be setand stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

When more than one value is given to the NAMES option this command bydefault will consider one name at a time and search every directoryfor it. The NAMES_PER_DIR option tells this command to consider onedirectory at a time and search for all names in it.

Mac Find Library Path Software

If the library found is a framework, then VAR will be set to the fullpath to the framework <fullPath>/A.framework. When a full path to aframework is used as a library, CMake will use a -framework A, and a-F<fullPath> to link the framework to the target.

Mac Find Library Path Free

If the global property FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS is set all searchpaths will be tested as normal, with “64/” appended, and with allmatches of “lib/” replaced with “lib64/”. This property isautomatically set for the platforms that are known to need it if atleast one of the languages supported by the PROJECT command isenabled.