Mapping Sharepoint Document Library As Network Drive In Mac

Dec 31, 2018 Open the Network and Sharing Center in Windows Control Panel and click Tools, then Map Network Drive. Right-click on the desktop icons for Computer or Network, then click Map Network Drive. When the Map Network Drive wizard opens, enter the domain name of your SharePoint site (for example, ) and click Finish. Dec 31, 2018  Open the Network and Sharing Center in Windows Control Panel and click Tools, then Map Network Drive. Right-click on the desktop icons for Computer or Network, then click Map Network Drive.

Learning has never been so easy!

This document will take you through the Authentication requirements and steps required to map a network drive in Office 365 SharePoint.

5 Steps total

Step 1: Login to the Portal

Sign in to the SharePoint Online site by using your Office 365 credentials. Make sure that you click to select the Keep me signed in check box. This is important because you need to be (and stay) authenticated via the web portal to access the SharePoint document library via a mapped drive.

Step 2: Click Start, Right-click Computer, and then click Map Network Drive

Step 3: Click the 'Connect to a Web site that you can store your documents and pictures' link, and then click Next two times.

Mapping Sharepoint Document Library As Network Drive In Mac 2017

Step 4: Type the site URL, click Next, and then follow the instructions in the wizard.

Depending on your permissions level you may need to map to a document library level

Step 5: Remove the tick from “automatically detect settings” in your proxy settings page (found in the connections tab in Internet options).

Mapping Sharepoint Document Library As Network Drive In Mac Pc

This Really makes a big difference to folder traversal in explorer.

If you encounter issues with the mapped drive disconnecting follow these steps

Make sure that you are authenticated to Office 365. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to the SharePoint Online site by using your Office 365 credentials, and make sure that you click to select the Keep me signed in check box.
2. Open a document library in Explorer View.
3. Try to access the mapped network drive.

Mapping Sharepoint Document Library As Network Drive In Mac Os

If you are authenticated to Office 365 and the issue persists, make sure that an entry for SharePoint is added to the Trusted sites zone in Windows Internet Explorer. To do this, follow these steps:
1. On the Tools menu In Internet Explorer, click Internet options.
2. Click the Security tab, click the Trusted sites zone, and then click Sites.
3. Verify that the following entries are listed in the Websites list:

• https://*
• https://*
• https://*
• https://*

4 If these entries are not present, add them to the Trusted sites list of websites.
5 Click the Local intranet zone, click Sites, and then click Advanced.
6 Verify that the following entries are listed in the Websites list:

• *
• *
• *
• *

7 If these entries are not present, add them to the Local intranet zone list of websites.



  • Mace
    hsc5775 Jul 11, 2012 at 04:29am

    thx for share

  • Pimiento
    DanStone Mar 28, 2013 at 02:40pm

    Does this procedure work when mapping a drive on an Apple Mac? We are a small group with some of us using Windows laptops and others Macs. Mac users have not been able to map a drive to our MS Office365 site. MS has been no help at all.

  • Thai Pepper
    Bournestar Apr 2, 2013 at 07:27am

    No this would be specific to windows. You can use some of the tips in the conclusion to facilitate staying authenticated but I don't know how you would map the location on a Mac.

  • Sonora
    jshoucair Apr 11, 2013 at 10:50pm

    Has anyone successfully achieved a persistently mapped a SharePoint document library on a Windows 2008 R2 server?

    I can get the drive mapped without issue (install Desktop Experience in order to enable the Webclient service, aka WebDAV), however the mapped drive errors out after the cookie/security token for that session times out, approx 8-12 hours after first mapping.

    Mac ebook viewer app that does not save to library

    I found this article, and am going to try the tip at the bottom to make the mapping persistent.

  • Jalapeno
    Dan5094 Oct 8, 2013 at 06:43pm

    Note this is only worked when using IE to log into sharepoint

  • Pimiento
    sharonwoloshin Jun 10, 2014 at 06:01pm

    I am trying to make this work. I am logged into as administrator via IE. I am able to open the document library with Explorer. When I follow the instructions above, i get 'The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another.' the folder name is

    HELP, I cannot get others in my office to use sharepoint without being able to make this mapping happen.

  • Thai Pepper
    Bournestar Jun 11, 2014 at 07:59am

    Try the address below.

  • Poblano
    Gandalf GreyBeard Jul 4, 2014 at 10:36pm

    I was just reading this (and appreciate the tips to get this far) and finally tried something similar to the last comment and it worked. I then went back one step and used the same https:// information and used it to create a mapped network drive. It worked fine even with the link shown being an https web address.
    I do see that in the address bar when connecting to this drive letter it displays as a '' address.
    Not sure if this information will help anyone or not but it took a lot of effort to get to this point and I just spoke with a MS tech who told me that MS does not support Drive Mapping to SharePoint at all.
    So I hope this layout will continue to function as it does as it is the only way we can use the Sites 'Stored data' as needed.

  • Thai Pepper
    Bournestar Jul 7, 2014 at 07:53am

    Appreciated Gandalf. The formatting of the address is a bit of a blind spot here. I could always get it to work but it required chopping it up on occasion. I could not pin down under what circumstances the address would need to be changed.
    We have moved now to using One Drive for Business and we are really happy with how it is working. Much more straight forward.

  • Jalapeno
    Brent_M Jul 17, 2014 at 07:34pm

    The address you use is found by clicking on One Drive once signed in to the Microsoft Portal. You copy and paste everything to the end of the user name:

    If you use this as the address following the above instructions, it will map a network location in My Computer to the user's Sharepoint/OneDrive environment. This is a GREAT way to do it for TS/Citrix/2X and VDI based setups where you don't want a local copy of all those files, just explorer access.


  • Pimiento
    maheshpullareddy Oct 3, 2014 at 11:19am

    I keep getting users name and password prompt . Does not seem to connect even after entering correct user id and password
    Any help is appreciated.

  • Pimiento
    edwardweaver Nov 19, 2014 at 06:24am

    Why would you add tuese sites to trusted AND intranet zone?

    That is just confused

  • Sonora
    Amanda616 Jan 9, 2015 at 05:11pm

    Thank you for the information, Bournestar. This worked for me on a Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2. I had to shorten my SharePoint/OneDrive URL to end at *.com for each one, but after following your steps it went through without a hitch.

    Now I just need an explanation as to why an 8.00 GB folder is copying at 30KB/sec. :)

  • Anaheim
    leehobbs2 Feb 9, 2015 at 11:23am

    Just adding to this after a fustrating 30 minutes - Make sure under the 'trusted sites' tab that 'Protected mode' is unchecked as there seems to be an issue verifying the connection when mapped as a network drive if its checked. (makes sense as trusted sites shouldn't be in protected mode if they're trusted lol)

  • Pimiento
    aheropcsflorida Feb 16, 2016 at 08:44pm

    Hello, I was able to create a folder sync with sharepoint 2013 online on Windows Server 2013, but is it possible to share the folder with the rest of the company to just have one source for the updates, the idea is just have one folder in my windows server 2012 and then I can provide for some users access to this, I will appreciate any comment to approach this problem if iit's possible.

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