No Jogl In Java.library.path Mac

Apr 06, 2015  We want to bundle Java 3D with ImageJ, so users do not need to install anything into the lib/ext like you used to. In particular, this will make the 3D Viewer more platform independent, and help bring the 3D rendering framework of ImageJ into the 21st century. It will also hopefully allow Java 3D to work more reliably with Java 1.8 on modern operating system versions. Java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: no jogl in java.library.path I have not run Java apps on this PC before. Do I need to install any other apps/libraries to run this app. Hi Yes JOGL and GlueGen JARs must be in your classpath and JARs containing the native libraries must be in the same directory. Please have a look at our. I'm trying to fix the same issue of java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jogl in java.library.path. What do you mean by 'under the jogl module'? I'm new to Java, and I'm not sure where this is. I am using NetBeans, which generated a dist folder with my jars and libraries. Are all OpenGL / OpenCL projects suddenly forced to abandon Mac? I would have thought that some sort of OpenGL/CL - Vulcan - Metal bridge/layer would be developed by some community? Will this have any effect for jogamp users? Is the world going to end when Apple removes OpenGL/CL support in some future MacOs release. Feb 18, 2011  I've tried repeatedly installing jzmq on Mac OS X. Whatever I do, I hit a brick wall with this exception: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jzmq in java.library.path I have successfully installed (pkg-config and) libzmq and libjzmq into. Nov 09, 2010  no jogl in java.library.path, 04:02 PM. Ok so I've got my file going. I'm just trying to get involved with WorldWind Java.but coming from.NET, it hurts. Was anyone able to resolve the 'no jogl found in library path' error? I'd be able to distribute something like the Measure Tool Usage example, on both Windows AND Mac.

  • JOGL Tutorial

So I am attempting to load a jnilib (specifically JOGL) into Java on Mac OS X at runtime. I have been following along the relevant Stack Overflow questions: Maven and the JOGL Library; Loading DLL in Java - Eclipse - JNI. No jogl in java.library.path But when I specify java.library.path.

  • JOGL Basic Templates
  • JOGL Graphical Shapes
  • JOGL Effects & Transformation
  • JOGL 3D Graphics
  • JOGL Useful Resources
  • Selected Reading

This chapter covers setting up of the environment to use JOGL on your systemusing different Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).

Installing JOGL

For JOGL Installation, you need to have following system requirements −

System Requirements

The first requirement is to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your machine.

JDK Version1.4 or above
Memoryno minimum requirement
Disk Spaceno minimum requirement
Operating Systemno minimum requirement

You need to follow the given steps to setup your environment to start with JOGLapplication development −

Step 1 - Verifying Java Installation on Your Machine

Open console of your system and execute the following java command −

WindowsOpen Command ConsoleC:>java-version
LinuxOpen Command terminal$ java -version
MACOpen TerminalMachine:~ joseph$ java -version

Verify the output on the respective operating system.


Java “”

java(TM) SE Runtime Environment(build 1.6.0_21-b07)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM(build 17.0-b7, mixed mode, sharing)


Java “”

java(TM) SE Runtime Environment(build 1.6.0_21-b07)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM(build 17.0-b7, mixed mode, sharing)


Java “”

java(TM) SE Runtime Environment(build 1.6.0_21-b07)Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM(build 17.0-b7, mixed mode, sharing)


Step 2 – Setting up Java Development Kit (JDK)

If Java is not installed on your machine, then you need to install Java SDK fromthe Oracle website: Oracle. You can find instructions for installing the JDK from the downloaded files. You need to follow the given instructions to install and configure the setup. Finally, set PATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables to refer to the directory that contains java.exe and javac.exe files, typically java_install_dir/bin and java_install_dir respectively.

Set Java-home environment variable to point to the base directory location on the same path, where Java is installed on your machine.

WindowsSet the environment variable JAVA_HOME to C:ProgramFilesJavaJdk1.6.0_21
LinuxExport JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java-current
MACExport JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home

Append Java compiler location to System Path as follows −

WindowsAppend the string ;%JAVA_HOME% bin at the end of the system variable and path
LinuxExport PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin/
MACNot required

Step 3 – Downloading JOGL

  • You can download latest version of JOGL from the website

  • Go to the home page of

  • Click on Builds/Downloads > Current (zip).

This takes you to the list of .jar files for all APIs maintained by the website.

  • Download the library .jar file jogamp-all-platforms.7z, java documentations for OpenGL native library glugen-javadoc.7z, and JOGL jogl-javadocs.7z.

  • Extract the downloaded .jar files using any zip extracting software.

When you open the extracted folder, you will find jar folder, source-codes, andother files.

Get the source codes and for supporting IDE. This is optional.

  • Inside the jar folder, there are multiple .jar files. This collection of files belongs to Glugen and JOGL.

  • JOAMP provides native libraries that support various operating systems such as Windows, Solaris, Linux and Android. Hence, you need to take appropriate jar files which can execute on your desired platform. For example, if you are using Windows 64-bit operating system, then get the following .jar files from the jar folder −

    • gluegenrt.jar
    • jogl-all.jar
    • gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar
    • jogl-all-natives-windowsamd64.jar

Setting up JOGL for Eclipse 4.4

Follow the given procedure for setting up JOGL −

Adding Libraries

Step 1 − Open Eclipse.

Step 2 − Create a new project.

How do you open home library on mac windows 10. May 30, 2019  Despite the fact that Apple keeps the Mac Library folder hidden from users, it’s good to learn how to show the Library folder on Mac. You may need to access the Library folder when you need to clear cache, remove the app’s leftovers, edit preference files manually, etc. Jan 12, 2020  You can access the hidden Library folder without using Terminal, which has the side effect of revealing every hidden file on your Mac. This method will only make the Library folder visible, and only for as long as you keep the Finder window for the Library folder open.

Step 3 − Create a new folder named lib in the project folder.

Step 4 − Copy the files gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar, gluegenrt.jar, jogl-all-natives-windowsamd64.jar and jogl-all.jar into the lib folder.

Step 5 − Now select these files and right click your mouse button. A shortcut menu is displayed, which contains Build Path > Add to Build Path.

Step 6 − To make all .jar files available to other projects, go to main menu. Select Window > Preferences. The Preferences window appears.

  • In preferences window, in the drop down menu on the left hand side, follow the hierarchy- Java → Build Path → User Libraries.

  • Click on “New…” button.

  • It opens up a dialog box. Enter the library name as jogl2.1.

  • Add jar files glugen-rt.jar and jogl-all.jar using button “Add External JARs..”.

  • It creates a new user library named jogl2.1.

In the same way, we can add java documentation and source code for the added.jar files.

Adding Native Libraries

Step 1 − Expand the jogl-all.jar node, select Javadoc location (none).

Step 2 − Click on “New…” button. Enter the name for JOGL Java Document.

Step 3 − Click on “Add External JARs…” button.

Step 4 − It opens a dialog box where you need to select the location of JOGL Java documentation, which we already have downloaded earlier.

Adding source code

Step 1 − Select the node Native library location: (None).

Step 2 − Click on “New…” button.

Step 3 − Enter name for native libraries and click “OK” button.

Step 4 − Click on “Add External JARs…” button.

Step 5 − Now select the path where native library files ('gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar and joglall-natives-windows-amd64.jar') are located.

Step 6 − Repeat the same procedure for source code.

Step 7 − We can set the locations for Javadoc, source code and jar files in the same way as given above for both native library files glegen-rt.jar and glugen-natives-windows-amd64.jar.

Setting up JOGL for NetBeans 4.4

Let us go through the steps for setting up JOGL for NetBeans 4.4 −

Adding Libraries

Step 1 − In the main menu, select Tools > Libraries.

Step 2 − It leads you to Ant Library Manager.

Step 3 − Under the Classpath tab, click New Library button located on the left lower corner. It opens a small dialog box.

Step 4 − Enter Library name as JoGl2.0.

Step 5 − Click on “OK” button.

Step 6 − Click on “Add JAR/Folder…” button.

Step 7 − Select the path where .jar files jogl.all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar are located.

To include JOGL library into each project, follow the steps given below −

Step 1 − Right-click on the project name. It shows a short-cut menu.

Step 2 − Select Properties. It opens a window named Project properties.

Step 3 − Select Libraries from Categories on the left hand side.

Step 4 − Select Compile tab and click on “Add Library..” button. Add library dialog box comes up.

Step 5 − Now add JOGL2.0 library, which you created earlier.

Including Native Library in Each Project

Follow the given steps to include native library in each project −

Step 1 − Right-click the project.

Step 2 − Select Set Configuration > Customize…

It leads you to the Project Properties window.

Step 3 − On the right hand side, in VM options, click on “Customize” button.

Step 4 − Browse for the path that contains JOGL native libraries gluegen-rtnatives-windows-amd64.jar' and 'jogl-all-natives-windowsamd64.jar.

Adding Java Documentation of Native Libraries

You need to open Ant library manager again to make sources and Javadoc available for each project. Follow the given procedure −

Step 1 − Open main menu.

Step 2 − Select Tools > Libraries. This leads you to Library manager.

Step 3 − Under the JavaDoc tab, click on “New Library…” button.

No Jogl In Java.library.path Mac Free

Step 4 − Enter JOGLJavadoc name. (You can enter any desired name.)

No Jogl In Java.library.path Mac 2017

Step 5 − Click on “Add jars/libraries…” button.

Step 6 − Select the path where unzipped JOGL documentation code is located.

Adding Source Code of Native Libraries

Step 1 − Under Sources tab, click on “New Library…” button. Enter JOGLsources name.

Step 2 − Click on “Add jars/libraries…” button. Select the path where unzipped source code is located.

Customizing the JDK Editor

Step 1 − Set Classpath for files jogl.all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar.

No Jogl In Java.library.path Machine

Step 2 − Set path to native libraries gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar and joglall-natives-windowsamd64.jar or copy all the jar files from the folder where you have downloaded them and paste them into the jse lib folder.