The Encrypt Library Requires The Mcrypt Extension Mac

The mcrypt extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.

  1. The Encrypt Library Requires The Mcrypt Extension Mac Os
  2. The Encrypt Library Requires The Mcrypt Extension Macbook Pro
  3. The Encrypt Library Requires The Mcrypt Extension. Mac

For mac users install MAMP pro and select a php version that has mcrypt. That is to say any version before php 7.2. Start the servers and voila you’re good to go. The Encrypt Library is still using mcrypt extension. The Encrypt Library is still using mcrypt extension. How we can use this on PHP 7.1.11 URL: https://github. Encryption Class. The Encryption Class provides two-way data encryption. It is encrypted using the Mcrypt library. The Encryption Class requires the Mcrypt extension to run. A key is a piece of information that controls the cryptographic process and permits an encrypted string to be decoded. Jan 12, 2019  Mengatasi The Encrypt library requires the Mcrypt extension Kenapa dengan judul diatas, itu salah satu error codeigniter, dimana php tidak mensupport Mcrypt extension. Hello @fernandocuellar Php 7.2 is not yet supported, you will have to download one lower version of XAMPP. About mcrypt extensions, you just need to open pho.ini file and remove the comment from starting of that line. Jul 09, 2018  mcrypt php extension are not supported to install in PHP 7.2, So now how to enable this Mcrypt PHP extension? Applications should use either sodium or openssl for encryption needs. It may be possible to install mcrypt via PECL. Kenneth Development cPanel, Inc. Miguel G Well-Known Member. WordPress does not require mcrypt, so you.

The Encrypt Library Requires The Mcrypt Extension Mac Os

The above error appears after you successfully get phpMyAdmin up and running on OS X, generally you don’t have to worry about it, you only need to address the error if you are going to use a web application that requires it, for example Magento, the shopping cart software or a php framework like Laravel.

Possible duplicate of php error: The Encrypt library requires the Mcrypt extension in codeigniter – kunal shaktawat Nov 27 '19 at 17:11. Add a comment 7 Answers.

mcrypt is a file encryption method using secure techniques to exchange data. This tutorial has been tested in 10.7 Lion and 10.8 Mountain Lion. OSX 10.9 Mavericks mcrypt guide here.

There are two ways to solve this issue on OSX, it depends on what your comfortable with and what you already have – this guide takes you through staying what you already have by installing and compiling code to get the extension running, an alternative is to use a packaged version of PHP which already has the mcrypt extension compiled and enabled, this for some would be an easier option to deploy – see that PHP guide here.


Get Xcode from the Apple app store, free download version, then install it from the /Applications folder it will be called ‘Install Xcode’ or just You need this to use the compilers to compile the source code that you will download.

Go to Xcode preferences and then look in the ‘Downloads’ button.

Install the command line tools from the preferences of Xcode.

Getting it on in OS X Mountain Lion

This tutorial works mostly in the Terminal, launch it from /Applications/Utilities, change directory (cd) to the home account and make a directory that you will work in, call it mcrypt

Get libmcrypt 2.5.8 from Sourceforge, this is direct download link.

Get the php code in a tar.gz or .bz2 format- (version 5.3.6 – 5.3.13 are common in different builds up to OS X 10.8, 5.3.13 is current for OSX 10.8.2)

Check your version at the command line:

Move both of these files that you downloaded into your working directory – mcrypt in this instance and go back to Terminal

Expand both files via the command line or just double click them in the Finder:

Remove the compressed archives

Any errors on the command line including C++ and g++ mostly are due to Xcode not being installed or the command line tools missing – if you have Xcode but still get the errors, launch Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Install ‘Command Line Tools’

Configuring libmcrypt

With the libmcrypt configured and libraries now installed, time for to make the mcrypt extension.

Autoconf Errors

If the below error occurs after you try the following compile of mcrypt, then autoconf is not installed.

Autoconf is not installed with the latest Xcode but may be present on some OS X from an upgraded older Xcode.

If you need autoconf – some more Terminal heavy lifting:

Compile mcrypt php Extension

Output should be:
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20090626
Zend Module Api No: 20090626
Zend Extension Api No: 220090626 warning: prefer named diversions warning: prefer named diversions

The result of this should be:

Installing shared extensions: /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/Library locations in richmond va.

Enabling php Extension

Open /etc/php.ini and add the line below at the end

If there is no php.ini file, then you need to make one from php.ini.default in the same location like so:

And allow write capability

Then add the line as above in your favourite text editor:

Browse mac photos library from roku free. or

and add in the line:

Restart Apache

That’s it, check your phpMyadmin login page or create and browse to a phpinfo.php to see if it loaded correctly, if it didn’t load you may need to declare the extensions directory in /etc/php.ini

Hopefully it wasn’t too much of a nightmare…


mcrypt is a file encryption method using secure techniques to exchange data. It is required for some web apps for example Magento, the shopping cart software or a php framework like Laravel. This tutorial has been tested in OSX 10.10 Yosemite.

This guide is really for users with the version of PHP that shipped with OSX Yosemite which is version 5.5.14. Other downloadable AMP stacks already have mcrypt baked in.

Command Line Tools

First up you will need the OSX 10.10 version of Command Line Tools which you can download via the Apple available updates in the App store.

Run in the Terminal

Getting it on in OS X Yosemite 10.10

This tutorial works mostly in the Terminal, launch it from /Applications/Utilities, change directory (cd) to the home account and make a directory that you will work in, call it mcrypt

Get libmcrypt 2.5.8 from Sourceforge, this is direct download link.

Get the php code in a tar.gz or .bz2 format- (version 5.5.14 is the one that currently ships with OSX 10.10)

Move both of these files that you downloaded into your working directory – mcrypt in this instance, and go back to Terminal

Expand both files via the command line or just double click them in the Finder:

Remove the compressed archives

Any errors on the command line including C++ and g++ mostly are due to the command line tools missing.

Configuring libmcrypt

With the libmcrypt configured and libraries now installed, time for to make the mcrypt extension.

Install Autoconf

Install autoconf – some more Terminal heavy lifting:

Compile mcrypt php Extension

Output should be similar to:

Configuring for:
PHP Api Version: 20121113
Zend Module Api No: 20121212
Zend Extension Api No: 220121212

The result of this should be similar to:

Installing shared extensions: /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/

Enabling php Extension

Open /etc/php.ini and add the line below at the end

If there is no php.ini file, then you need to make one from php.ini.default in the same location like so:

The encrypt library requires the mcrypt extension

And allow write capability

The Encrypt Library Requires The Mcrypt Extension Macbook Pro

Then add the line as above in your favourite text editor:


and add in the line:

Restart Apache

That’s it, create a php page with the function phpinfo(); to see if it loaded correctly.

If it didn’t load you may need to declare the extensions directory in /etc/php.ini

Hopefully it wasn’t too much of a nightmare…


The Encrypt Library Requires The Mcrypt Extension. Mac