What Is Library Directory Mac


May 30, 2019 Despite the fact that Apple keeps the Mac Library folder hidden from users, it’s good to learn how to show the Library folder on Mac. You may need to access the Library folder when you need to clear cache, remove the app’s leftovers, edit preference files manually, etc. Apr 09, 2018  macOS Library Directory Details The Library directories are where the system and your code store all of their related data and resources. In macOS, this directory can contain many different subdirectories, most of which are created automatically by the system.

The Library folder is a portion of the operating system. Every user directory has its own Library folder. Each user can customize applications and the operating system to their liking and not interfere with other user's customizations.

There are actually three locations on the hard drive where Library folders exist. Each location governs a different part of the operating system.

/System/Library is the location for the core parts of the operating system needed by your Mac to function.

/Library is the location for the parts of the operating system that apply to ALL users and applications running on the Mac like fonts and system wide application preferences.

/Users/<user home directory>/Library is the location for all the user specific parts of the operating system like preferences, favorites, recent items, etc.

**NOTE: In macOS 10.8 and higher, the /Users/<user home directory>/Library is a hidden folder. This means you will not not see it by default.

If you need to access the /Users/<user home directory>/Library, please visit this link.


Important:This document is replaced by File System Programming Guide.

The Library directory is a special directory used to store application-specific and system-specific resources. Each file-system domain has its own copy of the Library directory, with access levels to match the domain type. (See File-System Domains for a discussion of domains.) Although an application can use this directory to store internal data or temporary files, it is not intended for storage of the application bundle itself or for user data files. Application bundles belong in an appropriate /Applications directory, while user data belongs in the user’s home directory.

Important: You should not store user data files in the Library directory or any of its subdirectories. If your application stores the user’s data automatically—that is, without prompting the user for a location—you should choose a more appropriate location (usually the Documents directory) inside the user’s home directory. For the list of user directories, see The User Domain.

The Library directory contains many standard subdirectories. System routines expect many of the standard subdirectories to exist, so it is never a good idea to delete subdirectories of Library. However, applications can create new subdirectories as needed to store application-specific data.

Table 1 lists some of the directories that can appear in a Library directory. You should use this table to determine where to put files needed to support your software. This list is not complete, but it lists some of the most relevant directories for developers. Directories that do not appear in all domains are noted appropriately.

Show User Library Mac

Table 1 Subdirectories of the Library directory


Directory contents

Application Support

Contains application-specific data and support files such as third-party plug-ins, helper applications, templates, and extra resources that are used by the application but not required for it to operate. This directory should never contain any kind of user data. By convention, all of these items should be put in a subdirectory named after the application. For example, third-party resources for the application MyApp would go in Application Support/MyApp/. Note that required resources should go inside the application bundle itself.


Contains programs that assist users in configuration or other tasks.


Contains audio plug-ins and device drivers.


Contains cached data that can be regenerated as needed. Applications should never rely on the existence of cache files. Cache files should be placed in a directory whose name matches the bundle identifier of the application. Cache data should further be subdivided into user or session-specific subdirectories as needed. (See Multiple User Environment Programming Topics in Mac OS X Documentation for user-specific guidelines.)


Contains resources for picking colors according to a certain model, such as the HLS (Hue Angle, Saturation, Lightness) picker or RGB picker.


Contains ColorSync profiles and scripts.


Contains system bundles and extensions.

Contextual Menu Items

Contains plug-ins for extending system-level contextual menus.


Contains documentation files and Apple Help packages intended for the users and administrators of the computer. (Apple Help packages are located in the Help subdirectory.) In the local domain, this directory contains the help packages shipped by Apple (excluding developer documentation).


Contains device drivers and other kernel extensions. (Available in the system domain only.)

Hence, to avoid such data disasters, one must cultivate a habit of taking backups of their essential files on iTunes library. In all such cases of data loss, where entire iTunes folder is missing or you have accidentally deleted iTunes library on Mac with the aid of Remo Recover you can recover iTunes library with utmost easy. How to recover deleted itunes library on mac. Mar 26, 2017  I tried deleting duplicate playlists and iTunes completely deleted the songs on the playlists out of my library. The songs aren't in my trash and my Mac won't let me open past iTunes libraries. Whenever a song is deleted from your library you are first prompted by iTunes if you want to move the file to the trash. How can I recover. Recover Lost iTunes Library Using iTunes. You can do the same thing with iTunes, but it has its limits. Here is how you do it: Step 1: Close iTunes. Step 2: Go to where your library file is. In Windows, this is UsersUsernameMusiciTunes. For Mac, you go to Go Home, and then click to open your Music folder, then the iTunes folder. Jul 05, 2019  If this just happened to you, take a breath and don’t worry, as you probably can still recover those deleted iTunes library files with the following tips we’re going to show you. New update: now that Apple phased out iTunes, some of the methods below may.


Contains aliases to frequently accessed folders, files, or websites. (Available in the user domain only.)


Contains font files for both display and printing. Move iphoto library to photos.


Contains frameworks and shared libraries. The Frameworks directory in the system domain is for Apple-provided frameworks only. Developers should install their custom frameworks in either the local or user domain.

Internet Plug-ins

Contains plug-ins, libraries, and filters for web-browser content.


Contains keyboard definitions.


Contains log files for the console and specific system services. Users can also view these logs using the Console application.


Contains the user’s mailboxes. (Available in the user domain only.)


Contains plug-ins for the System Preferences application. Developers should install their custom preference panes in the local domain.


Contains the user preferences. See Runtime Configuration Guidelines for information about user preferences.


In the system and local domains, this directory contains print drivers, PPD plug-ins, and libraries needed to configure printers. In the user domain, this directory contains the user’s available printer configurations.


Contains QuickTime components and extensions.

Screen Savers

Contains screen saver definitions. See Screen Saver Framework Reference for a description of the interfaces used to create screen saver plug-ins.

Scripting Additions

Contains scripts and scripting resources that extend the capabilities of AppleScript.


Contains system alert sounds.


Contains system and third-party scripts and programs to be run at boot time. (See Daemons and Services Programming Guide for more information about starting up processes at boot time.)

Web Server

Contains web server content. This directory contains the CGI scripts and webpages to be served. (Available in the local domain only.)

See Library On Mac

View Users Library Directory Mac

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