Can I Delete Preference In Library Mac

Mar 26, 2013 Step by Step to fix your Mac. So we are going to delete a preference file in a hidden folder, this will only affect the preference file, not your personal files or programs. 1: Go to the Finder and select Go menu and Go To Folder. 2: Now paste or type /Library/Preferences. And a folder will appear. 4: Scroll down and find. Jan 12, 2020 Apple hides the Library folder by setting a file system flag associated with the folder. You can toggle the visibility flag for any folder on your Mac; Apple just chose to set the Library folder's visibility flag to the off state by default. Here's how to change it.

Most programs and services you run in OS X will save preferences to disk as a property list (.plist) file in your account’s hidden Library > Preferences folder. Since these files contain settings that are loaded and interacted with as the program is run, if a fault exists either in a specific setting or in the structure of the file itself, then a program may experience hangs, crashes, the inability to save and retrieve settings, or other odd behaviors.

To fix these problems if they crop up, a common recommendation is to remove the program’s associated preference file. These are located in your Library folder, which can be accessed by holding the Option key, clicking the Go menu in the Finder, and then choosing the Library from there. In the folder that opens, you can navigate to the Preferences directory and then locate and remove the property list that corresponds to the program you are using. These plist files are usually named after the developer and application names, so for instance, the preference file for Apple’s TextEdit program is called “”

Can I Delete Preference In Library Mac Torrent

The property lists for your applications’ preferences are stored in this folder.

How to find itunes library folder on mac. There are several ways to remove these preference files, if needed. The first is to do so manually by dragging them to the trash and emptying the trash. However, if you have the name of the preference file (otherwise known as the application’s “domain”), then you can target this in the Terminal using the “defaults” command to delete the plist’s contents, or the plist itself:

  1. Deleting the contents can be done with the following command:

    In this command, “DOMAIN” is the name of the preference file without the .plist suffix, such as “” for Apple’s TextEdit program.

  2. Deleting the plist file itself can be done with the following command:

    In this command, again DOMAIN is the preferences file name; however, you are targeting the file itself so the .plist suffix is required. The use of “sudo” here is optional, but may be needed if a permissions error is preventing you from accessing the plist file.

Learn how to delete files that are installed during a failed installation, or that are left behind when an application is removed.

Files from a failed or removed installation take up disk space and can cause problems when you install or run a newer version of the Adobe application.

Delete files from a previous Adobe application installation

To delete files from a previous Adobe application installation, do the following:

  1. If the Adobe application folder exists, drag it to Trash. By default, the folders are located in the Applications folder on the hard disk.

  2. Drag the preferences folder to Trash from the Users/[User]/Library/Preferences folder. (For example, drag the Acrobat folder to Trash.)


    The user Library folder is hidden by default in Mac OS X 10.7 and later releases. To access files in the hidden library folder, see How to access hidden user library files.

  3. Drag the application PLIST file, located in the Users/[User]/Library/Preferences folder, to Trash. Skip this step if the Adobe application doesn't include a PLIST file.

  4. If you don't have other Adobe applications installed on your computer, drag each of the Adobe folders to Trash from the following locations:

    • Users/[User]/Library/Application Support
    • Library/Application Support
  5. Empty Trash. If you receive an error message while trying to empty Trash, see the next section.

If you receive a message that items are locked and cannot be deleted, press Option and then empty Trash.

If you still receive a message that the item is in use, do one of the following:

System Preferences Mac

  • Quit the app that you were using with the file and then empty Trash.
  • Restart your Mac and then empty Trash.
  • Start your Mac in safe mode by holding down the Shift key while your Mac starts up. Then empty Trash and restart your Mac normally. For more information, see Use safe mode to isolate issues with your Mac.

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