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Completely uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0.4 from Mac OSX Lion? (6)

Assuming you installed PostgreSQL with homebrew as referenced in check status of postgresql server Mac OS X and how to start postgresql server on mac os x: you can use the brew uninstall postgresql command.

  • But LocalDB runs in user-space, so the user who logged in is the user that is running it (shared instances aside). There is no service, hence no service account. So if you can go to a folder to alter the permissions, then you can access that folder via LocalDB. These default paths are most likely not changeable in LocalDB.
  • I don't normally support Apple devices so bear with me here. I got a ticket that the iMac in our office is running out of disk space, after taking a look over 800 GB is being used by 'system'.
  • This question may look like a duplicate of: How to uninstall postgresql on my Mac (running Snow Leopard) however, there are two major differences. I'm running Lion and I'm trying to uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0.4. I've looked at the last question and the link that it referenced, but I did not find a file called 'uninstall-postgresql' when I run this command.
  • Didn’t understand whether to delete it or move it somewhere else? It has two folders: Configuration and Security. Both of these folders have subfolders in this order: Configuration-Private-Var-db-dslocal-nodes-Default; Security-System-Library DirectoryServices-DefaultLocalDB-Default. The last folders in both are Default with a red mark.
  • Jan 12, 2020  Apple hides the Library folder by setting a file system flag associated with the folder. You can toggle the visibility flag for any folder on your Mac; Apple just chose to set the Library folder's visibility flag to the off state by default. Here's how to change it.

If you used the EnterpriseDB installer then see the other answer in this thread.

The EnterpriseDB installer is what you get if you follow 'download' links from the main Postgres web site. The Postgres team releases only source code, so the company builds installers as a courtesy to the community.

You may have also used

This double-clickable Mac app contains the Postgres engine.

This question may look like a duplicate of: How to uninstall postgresql on my Mac (running Snow Leopard) however, there are two major differences. I'm running Lion and I'm trying to uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0.4. I've looked at the last question and the link that it referenced, but I did not find a file called 'uninstall-postgresql' when I run this command:

So, I assume this means that the uninstall process for 9.0.4 is different than that of 8.x.

I've seen a couple of posts in different places describing a method for manual uninstallation but, similarly, some of the directories/files referenced are not present on my machine.

Any assistance or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Just for reference, this is the link the other poster used to uninstall postgres from snow leopard. As I tried to step through these commands, most of them choked with some variant of 'command not found'.

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In addition to brew uninstall postgres, should I remove any of the following files/directories manually? Keep in mind I want to completely wipe the slate clean, no data files/database tables or anything.

This blog post explains very well:

(just replace 9.X by your version. e.g: 9.6)

A. If installed PostgreSQL with homebrew, enter brew uninstall postgresql

B. If you used the EnterpriseDB installer, follow the following step.

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Run the uninstaller on terminal window: sudo /Library/PostgreSQL/9.X/

C. If installed with Postgres Installer, do:

open /Library/PostgreSQL/9.X/

Remove the PostgreSQL and data folders. The Wizard will notify you that these were not removed.

Remove the ini file:

Remove the PostgreSQL user using System Preferences -> Users & Groups.

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Unlock the settings panel by clicking on the padlock and entering your password.Select the PostgreSQL user and click on the minus button.Restore your shared memory settings: sudo rm /etc/sysctl.conf