Library Webserver Documents Mac

Jul 08, 2019  Install Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on Mac OS X - More-links.txt. Starting the Apache web server. Using Mac OS X as a web server is easier than you might think. The reason for this is that Mac OS X is shipped with the powerful and widely used Apache web server software built right in. To begin, open Applications System Preferences (look for it in the Dock) and go to the Sharing pane. Under the Services tab, check Personal Web Sharing or select it. Q&A for Work. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

Install homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL'

Open Terminal and run the following Code: sudo apachectl start

Open your browser and access http://localhost. If it says It Works, then you are set otherwise see if your apachectl has started or not.

Let's make a backup of the default Apache configuration. This will help you to cross check later what you changed or in case you want to restore the configuration to default.

Now edit the httpd.conf with vi or any other text editor: vi httpd.conf

Now uncomment the following line (Remove #): LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

Now Restart apache: sudo apachectl restart

To install MySQL: brew install mysql

Install brew services now: brew tap homebrew/services

Library Webserver Documents Mac Youtube

Now start MySQL: brew services start mysql

Now configure MySQL : mysql_secure_installation

  • Validate Password Plugin
  • Remove anonymous users
  • Disallow root login remotely
  • Remove test database and access to it
  • Reload privilege tables now - Choose yes

After finishing this up, test MySQL: mysql -uroot -p.

It will ask you write the password you set for mysql before. Enter password and then something like this appear:

Now we need to ensure PHP and MySQL:

All your sites would have URLs like http://locahost/some-site pointing to /Library/WebServer/Documents/some-site.

Photo library large mac. On your Windows PC,.In earlier versions of iOS, macOS, tvOS, and iCloud for Windows, iCloud Photos was called iCloud Photo Library.

Library Webserver Documents Machine

Note on Permissions

Library Webserver Documents Mac Book

You may recieve 403 forbidden when you visit your local site. The Apache user(_www) needs to have access to read, and sometimes write, your web directory.

You can either change permissions like this: chmod 755 directory/ or you can change the ownership of the directory to the apache user and group: chown -R _www:_www directory

This is optional. You can use MySQL through command line but this is a good way to administer MySQL. Download phpmyadmin from site.

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